Young Adults Group

We are a group of young adults aged aged 18+ who are currently worshipping at Vine Church or have been a part of Vine Church.

We created this group to keep in contact with each other as we all study, work & live not just in Ilford but in various places within the U.K. and abroad.

We keep in regular contact though:

  • Our WhatsApp group
  • Zoom sessions
  • Face to face meet ups

Our conversations are broad and include but are not limited to:

  • General catch ups – how everyone is doing, what is new in our lives and anything else we wish to share etc.
  • Informal worship – music, prayer, sharing stories etc.
  • Informal Bible discussions – ask questions, share opinions, learn from each other etc.

If you wish to be a part of this, or are interested to find out more please come to our Church Service and meet our Minister Rev. Sujeeth Kumar (first and third Sundays every month). Or contact us via phone or email.

We hope to see you there.